Please Customize My Skin Care Based On My Allergens!

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I just got a patch test and can’t use anything! Can you customize recommendations based on my patch test results? Absolutely: it’s what we “dew” best! The single most common question we receive is: I just got a patch test…can you help me find products I can use based on my allergens? Even though selecting products that […]

Could Your Skin’s Patterns Be The Map To Its Cure?

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Patterns aren’t just for understanding behavior. Your skin problem’s pattern can be the very roadmap to its solution! Look at your skin. Really look at it. If you observe your acne, rashes, dry patches, and dark splotches as carefully as you would an inkblot test, you might be surprised at how much your skin is telling you about the causes of […]

Are Natural Ingredients Really Good For Sensitive Skin?

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Yes and no. Yes because natural (or really, organic, which is a regulated term) means less processing. Less processing means less contaminants (like specific chemicals used in growing, storage, or extraction), additives (like flavors, colors, fragrance, or preservatives), or alterations (like bleaching or heating). Because many contaminants, additives, and alterations are common allergens, organic can mean less […]

Get A Patch Test Or Photo-Patch Test

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This is one test that can change your life. If you’ve had skin problems for years, a patch test is one of the most powerful tools to help you finally achieve clarity. This painless procedure shows you exactly which ingredients or materials you, in particular, are sensitive or allergic to. A photo-patch test is similar but shows […]

Choose Hypoallergenic Over Natural: 30-Day Healthy Skin Challenge

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Some things in nature can hurt you. Natural ingredients could be causing or worsening your acne, sensitive skin, psoriasis, eczema, or hyperpigmentations. While natural is WONDERFUL — eating natural, less processed foods so important for your health and using skin care with more natural, less processed ingredients can also be good (chemicals used in processing […]

VMV Detox Skin Fast – Pure Wow

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We’ve been recommending our Skin Fast for decades! It’s a never-fail trick for when you’re trying a new product, have just gotten your patch test results, or are experiencing an acne breakout or skin reaction. Check out “A “Skin Fast” Just Might Solve All Your Beauty Problems” on Pure Wow now! HINT: Stay tuned for […]

What’s New In Skin Allergy in NYC?

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By Jennifer Collins, M.D. Gramercy Allergy & Asthma in New York City | Mar 15, 2016 I just returned from the American Contact Dermatitis Society 27th Annual Meeting  in Washington DC. This entire day was focused on new and emerging trends in skin allergy including hot topics in contact dermatitis. I was surrounded by experts from […]

Our Founding Physician – Prevention

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A herpes diagnosis that turned out to be a nickel allergy…we’ve seen LOADS more like vitiligo turnout to be an allergy to rubber in goggles, and even psoriasis turning out to be syphillis. This is why a proper diagnosis is so important! Our founding dermatologist-dermatopathologist shares in Prevention Magazine’s “21 Crazy Things Your Dermatologist Has […]

Your Makeup Brushes Could Be Causing Your Acne

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Did you know… 1. …that bristles can cause bothers & bumps? Reactions can happen when your skin comes into contact with something that irritates it, such as with common allergens like parabens, lavender, tea tree oil, lemon, etc. Sometimes, rough surfaces like certain towels or clothing can cause reactions. Prickly things like the ends of […]

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